Paul StJohn Mackintosh

Writing * Poetry * Dark Fiction * Weird * Fantastic * Horror * Fantasy * Science Fiction * Literature

New poem

The Pine Nut

A pine nut in the palm of my hand
between head and heart lines, just short of fate,
centred within the plain of Mars;
it looked so gravid, lying there,
so self-contained, thrust and repose,
recursive oval, pale gravel from
the stone pine gardens of Italy;
an edible seed, asking to be palmed
and swallowed whole, to germinate … where?

Another reason to get up early …


Solymár Party

The neighbouring town of Solymár had its annual village party (the Solymár Búcsú) last weekend, with a street fair of local market stalls and several days of events. One of the highlights, for me anyway, was a chamber music recital by the local Pilis Kamara ensemble, with items by Bartok, Kodaly and other Hungarian composers, in the lovely outdoor auditorium of the culture house, under the autumn chesnut trees.

Solymár has the most amazing Baroque Catholic church in the main square, decorated inside with dramatic trompe l’oeil frescoes. You can see them all in the panorama below. What a find, in a village church!


Red sky at morning…

There aren’t many compensations to getting up at 6am every weekday to edit a Hungarian business newsletter, but here’s one of them. Sunrise over Piliscsaba …


New poem

Tong Fuk, March 2011

Hello, cawed a crow from the pandan tree,
against late afternoon’s lazy rays
falling flat across Tong Fuk beach;
you, kilted in your canary fleece,
with Esther, still a cocooned papoose
in the terracotta baby wrap;
Diana, wearing her salmon shorts,
holding her angel down to dip
its little wooden feet in the sea,
mirrored in the sand’s clear glass.


New poem

The Stylites

The pillar saints dot buttes throughout
the Meteora, each stylite
halfway to Heaven, beyond doubt
or sighting by theodolite;

strait faith founded on a rock
in mid-air, boosted to the light
above the clouds, flown with the flock
of St Thanos the Meteorite.


Mum, Dad, Piliscsaba church and Esztergom

Mum and Dad and my younger brother Niall were over with us last weekend to see the kids – baby Esther for the first time – and celebrate my Mum’s 75th birthday. Hungary did them proud with blazing sunshine and cool dry breezes, just missing the ensuing heatwave.
While they were there, we finally got to see inside the village church in Piliscsaba, which dates from the late 18th century but is currently shut up for restoration, courtesy of EU funding, and only occasionally opens its doors. Luckily, the weekend was St Stephen’s Day, the national foundation day, and so the church door was unlocked, although the iron gate inside was still shut when we went in. All the same, we saw the interior, much of it – at least around the altar – now fully restored.

We also visited Esztergom a couple of mornings later to see the celebrated Basilica, Hungary’s tallest building and the world’s 18th biggest church. That did not make such a good impression. Unlike the beautiful Ancien Regime church in Piliscsaba, it’s an overbearing neoclassical giant, recalling the more gargantuan excesses of Schinkel. Something about its proportions really misses elegance or grandeur, and inside it feels chilly and overlit, miles away from the ‘deep and dazzling darkness’ of St Anne’s Church in Budapest, cultish without being spiritual, marmoreal without being dignified. It left me cold.

That’s a pity after the glowing description of it in the 1930s that Patrick Leigh Fermor begins Between the Woods and the Water with, but I guess he was lucky to see it filled with all the flamboyant pageantry of Easter.


My first meteorite

Last Friday night I was in my bedroom with Lilla and Diana, lights turned out, while Esther slept in the other bedroom at the far end of the house. I looked out the bedroom window, which faces roughly north-west, between the half-closed curtains, and suddenly saw a bright greenish ball of light, like a marine distress flare, flash across the sky from the east behind the house, towards central Piliscsaba, and disappear over the hill. There may have been a starburst mid-flight with other pieces falling away, but I wouldn’t trust my memory on this. My first thought was that some neighbours were partying on Friday night and letting off fireworks, but there was no bang after the flash, and no more lights afterwards. Lilla was in bed with Diana and didn’t see the light, but she realized something was up and asked me to run through to the other room to watch over Esther.
That was all for the evening, but it turned out I wasn’t the only one who had seen something. Reports from all over Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic next morning showed that dozens of eye-witnesses had seen the same greenish light in the sky, with security cameras and amateur astronomers picking it up as well. Consensus is that it was a large meteor, probably football-sized, that exploded in midair somewhere over the region, at around 30km above the earth’s surface. No one has found a crater yet, but tiny fragments probably reached the earth.
I’ve seen shooting stars before, but this was my first time to see a true meteorite – a bolide that actually reached the surface of the earth. And if I hadn’t been in the bedroom and looking out between the curtains just at that moment, I would have missed it.
You can see stills and videos of the flash here and at the links above.


Revisiting Vajdahunyad Castle

After a long afternoon in Budapest’s Varosliget park, we wound up almost by chance at Vajdahunyad Castle, where we had our wedding party four years ago. Diana was only there in the womb back then, and Esther wasn’t even a twinkle in the eye. This time, Diana romped and played like crazy with other children at the lakeside cafe. The place is just as magical now – even more, if anything.

The weird Portakabin in the middle of the lake is a real toilet – a sculptural installation of some kind. How’s that for added romance?


New poem

Esther’s first dance

Our daughter pulses in my arms,
my dance partner in a slow dance
to end over a decade later
with her head on someone else’s shoulder;
but while she’s still small, I support
her little head and infant weight
eye to eye at shoulder height
till she can stand on her two feet.
